100 research outputs found

    Dilemas no aconselhamento: estudo de caracterização em psicólogos-padres e em psicólogos-diáconos

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    Este estudo visa compreender se os dilemas e valores que emergem no aconselhamento psicológico de psicólogos-padres e diáconos católicos interferem na sua prática. Participaram no estudo 8 psicólogos padres/diáconos católicos portugueses, entre os 39 e os 84 anos, de um universo total de 17. Os participantes preencheram uma ficha de caracterização sociodemográfica, um Questionário de Valores Básicos e uma entrevista semiestruturada. Os resultados indicam a existência de dilemas relacionados com Fronteiras, Neutralidade, Responsabilidade, Preconceito, Fidelidade, Confidencialidade e Papel/Função, com mais incidência nos primeiros três, e a saliência de valores sociais e humanistas elevados nas duplas funções exercidas. Surgem dilemas específicos nesta população relacionados com a comunicação e ideologia praticadas nos dois tipos de aconselhamento. Esta investigação tem implicações para a formação de psicólogos padres/diáconos católicos e para uma compreensão mais profunda do papel dos valores no processo de aconselhamento e das fronteiras entre aconselhamento psicológico e religioso; Abstract: DILEMMAS in the COUNSELING: Characterization study in psychologist priests and deacons psychologists This study aims to understand whether the dilemmas and values that emerge in psychological counseling psychologists and priests-Catholic deacons interfere in their practice. In this study participate 8 psychological counseling psychologists and priests-Catholic deacons, between 39 and 84 years, of a total of 17. The participants filled out a socio-demographic form, a Basic Values Questionnaire and a semi-structured interview. The results indicate the existence of related dilemmas, namely Borders, Neutrality, Responsibility, Prejudice, Loyalty, Confidentiality and Paper/Function, with more focus on the first three, emphasizing the social and humanist values in the double duties performed. Specific dilemmas arise in this population related to communication and ideology practiced in both types of counseling. This research has implications for the formation of priests psychologists / Catholic deacons and a deeper understanding of the role of the values in the counseling process and the borders between psychological counseling and religious

    An axiomatic design framework to design interoperable buyer–supplier dyads

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    Cooperation arrangements in the form of buyer–supplier dyads are a way that companies have found to deal with the current competitive environment. Despite the contributions in the interoperability literature, a cohesive framework is lacking that would allow the systematization of solutions for interoperable problems in such cooperation. Therefore, we propose a framework for systematically detail interoperability issues and to provide solutions that fit business conditions.Through a case study conducted on an automotive dyad, it is possible to achieve a better interoperable scenario, by systematically addressing the issues and providing solutions that comply with the AD independence axiom.authorsversionpublishe

    Towards model-based bioprocess characterization: A mathematical model of cell cycle, metabolism and apoptosis of mAb-producing mammalian cells

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    The biologics industry is changing and all players seek competitiveness through process optimization aiming at satisfying the market demand providing a compliant protein in as short time as possible. As blockbuster drugs experience patent expiry, several biosimilars are coming market and competition becomes fiercer. Unlike classical experiments-based optimization, bioprocess modeling is a rational, economically efficient and reliable alternative to deliver an optimized bioprocess. The biological aspects of a bioreactor are diverse and include cells growing and cycling, other cells dying, nutrients being consumed and by-products accumulating, energy production and usage and therapeutic proteins being produced. The understanding of the biology involved is crucial to ensure quality. Quality by Design (QbD) aspects that can be optimized from the design stages include clone selection, medium formulation, feeding strategies and culture conditions. In this work, a mathematical model of mammalian cell cultures has been developed. It includes a detailed description of the viable cell population by segregating it according to the stage of the cell cycle (G0/G1, S and G2/M), transition from viable to early and late apoptotic stages. Apoptosis is monitored through gene expression profiles (caspases 3 and 8, bax and bcl-2) linked to the presence or absence of key nutrients. Indeed, the profiles of glucose and 19 amino acids are also captured by the model which allow for detailed information on energy production (ATP) which is essential to ensure viability and hence the delivery of a high-quality product. Please click Additional Files below to see the full abstract

    Percepção de elementos caracterizadores da cultura e ambiente militar para o Século XXI

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    Este Estudo é sobre a Cultura Militar no Exército, ou sejam os valores, as filosofias, e as tradições que animam a força. Embora as culturas civis e militar partilhem muitos valores comuns, existem no entanto, diferenças significativas entre elas. Por exemplo, enquanto a nossa cultura civil enfatiza a liberdade e individualidade, a cultura militar subestima-os e enfatiza valores como disciplina e abnegação que materializam o imperativo da eficácia militar e sucesso no campo de batalha. Simultaneamente, as culturas civis e militar são interactivas. Assim as Forças Armadas de hoje, ancoradas pelos laços de tradição e exigências de eficácia militar, são também empurradas pelos ventos das pressões da sociedade e puxadas pelas correntes criadas por políticas governamentais e pela mudança tecnológica. As pressões sociais embora independentes do Exército, têm um grande impacto no clima actual nas unidades militares e um potencial óbvio para afectar a sua cultura subjacente. Pese embora as pressões sociais externas e o ambiente possam afectar a cultura militar ao longo do tempo, a mais poderosa e directa influência ao clima organizacional e, eventualmente, à cultura vem do corpo de oficiais das Forças Armadas. Os Oficiais transformam valores em acção, fixam o exemplo, e articulam o ponto de vista da instituição militar, sendo que, essas pressões complicaram as tarefas da preparação do corpo de oficiais que treinam, disciplinam, e inspiram a força. Hoje, as pressões ambientais externas devidas a uma variedade de factores, como a alteração no tipo de operações militares, o constrangimento de recursos, as missões variáveis, pressões do estado matrimonial e demográfico da população militar, avanços rápidos na tecnologia, e as múltiplas oportunidades na sociedade civil estão a afectar o clima organizacional no Exército e podem ter um impacto imprevisível na sua cultura subjacente. O objectivo deste estudo é medir e desenvolver recomendações em assuntos relativos ao clima e cultura, que assegurarão eficácia militar ao longo dos anos. Abstract: This Study is about the Military Culture in the Army, in other words, the values, the philosophies, and the traditions that animate the force. Although the civil and military cultures share many common values, exist however, significant differences among them. For instance, while our civil culture emphasizes the freedom and individuality, the military culture underestimates them and it emphasizes values as discipline and self-sacrifice that materialize the imperative of the military effectiveness and success on the battlefield. Simultaneously, the civil and military cultures are interaction. Thus today’s Armed forces, anchored by the bonds of tradition and demands of military effectiveness, will also be pushed by the winds of the society’s pressures and pulled by the currents created by government politics and for the technological change. Society’s pressures, although independent of the Army, have a great impact on the current climate actual within military units and an obvious potential for affecting the underlying culture. Although external societal pressures and the policy environment can effect military culture along the time, the most powerful and direct influence on organizational climate and, eventually, on culture comes from within the officer corps of the Armed Forces. Officers turn values in action, set the example, and articulate the point of view of the military institution, and, those pressures complicated the tasks of preparation of the officer’s corps who train, discipline, and inspire the force. Today, the external environmental pressures owed to a factor variety, as the alteration in the type of military operations, the embarrassment of resources, the variable missions, pressures of the matrimonial and demographic state of the military population, fast progresses in the technology, and the multiple opportunities in the civil society are affecting the organizational climate in the Army and they can have an unexpected impact on his underlying culture. The aim of this study is to measure and to develop recommendations on subjects concerning climate and culture, which will ensure military effectiveness along the years

    Dinâmicas de Afirmação num Quadro Regional

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    Em 2002 Angola emergiu de quase três décadas de guerra civil com uma parte significativa das suas infra-estruturas destruídas ou danificadas, economia caótica, estruturas sociais completamente abaladas e uma grande percentagem da sua população deslocalizada. Passados que estão seis anos, estará esta jovem nação em situação de iniciar a sua ascensão para assumir o protagonismo de potência regional? O método científico empregue nesta investigação recorre ao modelo hipotético- -dedutivo, procurando-se resposta à questão central “Em que medida os atributos geopolíticos e geoestratégicos de Angola se traduzem como uma fonte de poder?” Organizado em cinco capítulos, a investigação tem o intuito de analisar Angola, desde a sua história e enquadramento com algumas teses geoestratégicas, avaliação do seu potencial estratégico, bem como a dinâmica das suas relações internacionais. Por último tecem-se algumas conclusões. Angola surge aos olhos da comunidade africana e internacional como uma das mais proeminentes potências regionais africanas, reflectindo para o exterior uma projecção políticodiplomática nuns casos, militar em outros e económica na generalidade. Crente do seu potencial na região em que se localiza, Angola pragmatiza a disputa dos seus recursos estratégicos numa política de afirmação que lhe permitirá, paulatinamente, assumirse, com naturalidade, como potência regional. Mas a senda a trilhar ainda é longa, resta-lhe talvez o mais importante, resolver os seus problemas sociais, de décadas de conflito, que levarão igualmente décadas a solucionar. Ainda assim, as suas potencialidades permitem-nos perspectivar um futuro promissor para Angola, não obstante os inúmeros obstáculos que terá de vencer. Abstract: In 2002 Angola emerged from almost three decades of civil war with a significant part of its infrastructure destroyed or damaged, chaotic economy, social structures completely shaken and a large percentage of its population relocated. Angola is in the eyes of the african and international community as one of the most prominent african regional powers, reflecting a political-diplomatic projection to the outside in some cases, military on other and economic in general. Believer in the potential on the region where is located, Angola is pragmatic on the dispute his resources in a strategic policy statement that it will, slowly, take it as a regional power naturally. But to walk the path is still long, it remains perhaps the most important, solving their social problems, from decades of conflict, which also take decades to resolve. The scientific method used in this research uses the hypothetical-deductive model, seeking to answer the central question "how the geopolitical and geostrategic attributes of Angola are reflected as an objective source of power." Organized into five chapters, the research will examine Angola, since its history and geostrategic environment, some geopolitical theses, analysis of the heir potential and strategic and the dynamics of international relations. Finally draw a few conclusions

    When do you not listen to your doctor

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    Gout is a disease caused by an inflammatory response to crystals of sodium monourate, which occurs in people with elevated uric acid levels. There are acute and chronic forms. Acute forms arise as sudden, self-limiting bouts of arthritis (swelling, flushing, pain and heat of a joint), while chronic forms result in the deposition of crystal aggregates in and around the joints, with progressive joint destruction. In addition to joint manifestations, uric gout has renal manifestations (kidney stones and renal insufficiency) and metabolic manifestations (hypertension, elevated triglycerides). Patients are often obese, have high alcohol consumption and insulin resistance. It is a very painful and disabling illness. Gout is more common in men and usually begins in the 40's and 60's. Analytically the patient had uric acid values of 10.2 mg/dL (2.0-7.0 mg/dL) despite being daily medicated with alopurinol 300mg for more than 5 years. It has an abnormality of fasting glycemia and triglycerides of 305 mg/dl. However it maintains consumptions of alcohol and a diet rich in meat, seafood and fats. He did not diet to lose weight and sometimes he does not take the medication (alopurinol). He already shows involvement and destruction of the joints and deformation on the feet and the hand that currently prevent him from fulfilling the necessary safety norms in his profession

    A Structured Literature Review

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 by the authors.A significant amount of research has been conducted on the resource allocation in fire departments (RAFD) and literature reviews about the fire protection service (FPS), but to the best of our knowledge, no literature reviews have been conducted about the RAFD. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to review literature about allocating resources to urban fire departments (FDs) to gain state-of-the-art knowledge of RAFD and identify the most frequent methodologies and measures in the studies. A five-stage structured literature review (SLR) is undertaken to analyze the RAFD-related studies; subsequently, statistical analysis is used to disclose additional information from the retrieved data and develop a general framework for RAFD. According to the structured literature review, which yielded 417 independent variables for RAFD, integer programming (IP) and data envelopment analysis (DEA) are the most common approaches for RAFD among the mathematical and statistical models in the evaluated articles. Based on the findings, a general conceptual framework for RAFD is suggested. The findings of this study can help public and private FDs and FPS managers, decision-makers, resource allocation (RA) researchers, and academicians gain state-of-the-art knowledge of RAFD. The proposed RAFD framework can provide the FPS decision-makers with the appropriate method and variables for allocating their limited resources in a more efficient way within their FDs.publishersversionpublishe

    The enterprise blockchain design framework and its application to an e-Procurement ecosystem

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    The research work of this paper has been partially funded by the project VORTAL INTER DATA (n° 038361), co-financed by Vortal and COMPETE Program P2020. We would also like to thank UNIDEMI, DEMI, and LASI for providing us with the research infrastucture and resources to conduct this research. Publisher Copyright: © 2022 Elsevier LtdBlockchain technologies have seen a steady growth in interest from industries as the technology is gaining maturity. It is offering a novel way to establish trust amongst multiple stakeholders without relying or trusting centralised authorities. While its use as a decentralised store of value has been validated through the emergence of cryptocurrencies, its use case in industrial applications with multiple stakeholder ecosystems such as industrial supply chain management, is still at an early stage of design and experimentation where private blockchains are used as opposed to public blockchains. Many enterprise blockchain projects failed to gain traction after initial launches, due to inefficient design, lack of incentives to all stakeholders or simply because the use of blockchain was not really necessary in the first place. There has been a need for a framework that allows blockchain designers and researchers to evaluate scenarios when a blockchain solution is useful and design the key configurations for an enterprise blockchain solution. Literature on blockchain architectures are sparse and only applicable to specific use cases or functionalities. This paper proposes a comprehensive Enterprise Blockchain Design Framework (EBDF), that not only identifies the relevant use cases when a blockchain must be utilised, but also details all the characteristics and configurations for designing an enterprise blockchain ecosystem, applicable to multiple industries. To validate the EBDF, we apply the same to the Vortal e-Procurement ecosystem allowing for multiple platforms to interoperate with greater transparency and accountability over the proposed blockchain framework. In this use case, many vendors bid for procurement procedures, often for publicly managed funds where it is extremely vital that full transparency and accountability is ensured in the entire process. Ensuring that certain digital certification functions, such as timestamps are independent from e-Procurement platform owners has been a challenge. Blockchain technology has emerged as a promising solution for not only ensuring transparency and immutability of records, but also providing for interoperability across different platforms by acting as a trusted third-party. The applied framework is used to design a Hyperledger based blockchain solution with some of the key architectural elements that could fulfil these needs while presenting the advantages of such a solution.publishersversionpublishe

    Developing a macro-dynamic framework of start-up growth drivers supported by digital marketing

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    Publisher Copyright: © 2022 The AuthorsThe contemporary market positions digital marketing as a powerful mediator between efficient digital interaction, data interpretation opportunities, and business growth, while extending its impact potential to tackle different growth challenges. As start-ups usually have limited resources and struggle with customer engagement, retention, and other growth challenges, the low investment and dynamic elements of digital marketing tools can be used to support constructive digital interactions impacting start-up growth. Consequently, these links have outlined an extended digital marketing impact in the areas which build on marketing and sales and influence growth components such as product & market testing, customer engagement, and partnership development. Through a systematic literature review, we present a holistic overview encompassing start-up growth areas that use digital marketing. We also discuss how digital marketing efforts complement the start-up maturity. Furthermore, we analyze the differences in B2B and B2C digital marketing usage and discuss how emerging technologies impact digital marketing. The link between the extended digital marketing impact, start-up challenges, and growth areas result in the identification of start-up growth drivers supported by digital marketing. We propose a Macro-Dynamic framework identifying the start-up growth drivers from product, market, team, and finance areas and digital marketing tactics connected to the identified growth drivers.publishersversionpublishe